GenderGP is an online health and wellbeing clinic that proudly serves transgender people of all ages across the world – and those who support them. The organization works tirelessly to promote excellence in trans healthcare, campaigning for improved access and understanding at all levels, in line with international best practices. https://www.gendergp.com/
LGBTQ Wellness Ireland
LGBTQ Wellness Ireland: A meetup group run by James Byrne and Sean Rooney, in-person and online events, residential retreats, mental health and wellbeing talks, https://www.meetup.com/lgbtq-wellness-ireland/
Gender Dysphoria
Gender Dysphoria ‘bible’- An excellent online resource that gives in-depth information on all things gender-related. https://genderdysphoria.fyi/gdb
BeLonG To
BeLonG To Youth Services (Ireland) is the national organization supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) young people in Ireland - https://www.belongto.org/
ADHD Ireland
WPATH - World Professional Association for Transgender Health ‘To promote evidence-based care, education, research, public policy, and respect in transgender health.’ https://www.wpath.org/
Transgender Equality Network Ireland ‘Our mission is to advance the rights and equality, and improve the lives of trans people and their families.’ https://www.teni.ie/
Autism Ireland